Каталог советских пластинок
Виртуальная клавиатура
Форматирование текста
Side A
Liberation March — Choir of Vietnamese Soldiers (2.15) (Recording made at the frontlines of the Liberation Front)
Neck Deep in Dirt — Pete Seeger (2.55)
Hands off Vietnam — Dzilda Mazeikaite (2.20)
What are these Guns for? — Antoine (1.55)
The Bridge of Return Home — Feiruz (5.20)
Camilo Torres — Victor Hara (3.00)
We Shall Overcome! — Joan Baez (3.25)

Side B
October — Jean Drejac (4.10)
What I've Seen — Dean Reed (3.45)
Do the Russians Stand for War — Georg Ots (3.05)
I Often asked Myself — Richard Anthony (3.00)
Samba Che — Victor Hara (3.40)
Solidarity Song — Ernst Busch (2.40)

На зеркале пластинки вместо номера указано: на 1 стороне — "А", на 2 стороне — "В"