Каталог советских пластинок
Виртуальная клавиатура
Форматирование текста
Claudio Monteverdi
1. Slave Regina

Heinrich Schütz
2. Bringt her dem Herren
3. O quam tu pulchra es
4. Veni de Libano

Henri Purcell
5. Music for a while
6. Since from my dear
7. I attempt from love sickness
8. Sweet, be no londer sad

Thomas Morley
9. I go before my darling

Adriano Banchieri
10. Contrapunto allamente

Claudio Saracini
11. Da te parto, anima mea

John Dowland
12.Come away, come sweet love

English traditional ballades
13. The oak and the ash
14. Greensleves
15. Bachelor
16. Black is the colour
17. Lord Rendall
18. Matthew, Marc, and Luce, and John
19. Spanish Christmas song
20. Spanish Christmas song

MEL CD 10 01026