Side A:
P. TCHAIKOVSKY. Romances "The darkness fell upon the earth" words: A. Mishkevich "Say, about what in the shadow of trees" words: V. Sollogub "Ni slova, o drug moy (Not a word, O my friend)" words: A. Plesheev (from M. Gartman) "Take My Heart Away" words: A. Feta "It was in the Early Spring" words: A. Tolstoy ZARA Dolukhanova B. Kozel (piano)
side B:
P. TCHAIKOVSKY. Romances "Do not ask" words: W. Goethe "Do not leave me" words: A. Feta "Sleep, my sad friend" words: A. Tolstoy "Look, there is a cloud" words: N. Grekov "Whether Day Dawns" words: A. Apuhtin ZARA Dolukhanova B. Kozel (piano)