8 дней
О сайте4 | Д 13295-8 (2 пл.) 1964 |
LP 1: Georgy & Platon Maiboroda "Our great power", Oratorio Georgy Sviridov "Country the Soviet native", Oratorio LP 2: Georgy & Platon Maiboroda "Our great power", Oratorio, Second Variation Georgy Sviridov "Country the Soviet native", Oratorio, Second Variation BOLSHOI Theatre Choir and Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov conductor ============================================= D13295-6: The 1st version of the works by G. & P. Maiboroda (Our Great Power) & G. Sviridov (The Soviet Native Country) is using the refrain "Rise, Leninist Banner!" (lyrics by Brovka etc...) D13297-8: The 2nd version of the same works is based on the refrain "The Will of the Party united Us" (lyrics by the same authors) |
Д 13296 Г. Свиридов Страна советская родная (с припевом: "Взвивайся, ленинское знамя") |
Д 13297 Г. Майборода и П. Майборода Великая наша держава (с припевом: "Нас воля партии сплотила") |