8 дней
О сайте46 9 | Д 00012457-8 1963 |
Сторона 1: 1. Течет Волга (М. Фрадкин - Л. Ошанин) Сторона 2: 2. Цвели, цвели в поле цветики (русская народная песня) 3. Рябина (Ой, что же мне делать) (Н. Поликарпов - А. Смольников) Инструментальный ансамбль п/у Р. Мацкевича (1, 3) *** Экспортное издание (Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga, ТУ-35 ХП 558-63) |
Ленинградский завод. ГОСТ 61, сторона 1 |
Бюро пропаганды советского киноискусства |
Опечатка в каталожном номере на стороне 2, название первой песни указано не точно. |
LYUDMILA ZYKINA SINGS THE VOLGA FLOWS Song from the film "The Volga flows" (M. Fradkin—L. Oshanin) FLOWERS WERE BLOOMING IN THE FIELDS (Russian folk song) ROWAN-TREE (Oh, what shall I do) (N. Polikarpov—A. Smolnikov) Instrumental Ensemble conducted by R. Matskevich Lyudmila Zykina came to a concert stage from factory amateur theatricals. In 1947 the talented girl joins the state Pyatnitsky Russian Folk Choir. For some years she was a soloist of the All-Union Radio Choir. Now Lyudmila Zykina is an artist of the All-Russian tour-concert company. Lyudmila Zykina is a prize-winner of three competitions: the All-Union Youth Festival (1957), the All-Union Vocal Competition (1958), and the I All-Union Competition of Variety Show Artist. The singer's repertory includes old and contemporary Russian songs and songs of Soviet composers. Her performance is notable for its sincerity and lyrism. No matter where Lyudmila Zykina sings over the radio, on the television or in concert—she is always a success, because her bright and original interpretation reveals the inimitable beauty and sincerity of the Russian song. The singer is familiar to the listeners of most remote parts of the USSR and abroad where Lyudmila Zykina always asserted the glory of Soviet art. |