15 час.
О сайте1 2 | Д 16029-30 1965 |
Rostov with its Kremlin, a great architectural monument of the Middle Ages rising above the waters of Lake Nero, lies miles North West of Moscow. Among the many buildings of the 16th and 17th centuries, the belfry of the Assumption Cathedral is especially notable. Its 13 bells are a tribute to the Russian craftsmen of the 17th century who cast them. Russian campanological history goes back to the 10th century. Bell-ringing came to Rostov from Moscow and Novgorod where it had been famous for a long time. For many centuries it formed part and parcel of the life of people warning them of calamities, calling them to arms, greeting the return of the armies from the field of battle and announcing festivals. The traditions of bell-ringing have been handed down from generation to generation, and for a very long time have attracted the interest of the learned. As far back as 1884, V. V. Stasov, a great Russian art historian, published a book in St. Petersburg called "The Bells of Rostov and Their Chimes” with the chimes written down in musical notation by A. Izrailev, the musicologist, who had carried out research into their history. The chimes of the Rostov belfries were recorded under the guidance of N. N. Pomerantsev, who is officially recognized as an expert in this field. АОЛЗ, экспорт |